
Squeak brawl stars
Squeak brawl stars

He can hit the enemies from afar and use his Super to dash towards zones. As a Hunter, he can use his Speed Zone Gadget for enhanced mobility and he can continuously poke the Big Boss while dashing unpredictably and quickly.

  • Stu is decent in Big Game because he can dash around and dodge enemy fire, and he can burn the enemies with his Super as the Big Boss.
  • You can dash around and heal and use this as an alternative to self-regeneration.
  • With his Gaso-Heal Star Power, Stu can use his attack and Super in quick succession to quickly heal up in a pinch because of his fast Super charge rate and fast unload speed.
  • However, Stu's attack doesn’t pierce, so he does best in a 1v1 situation where he can continuously poke at the enemy and dodge their attacks.
  • Stu’s fast Super charge rate, his high mobility with his Super, and his quick burst attacks make him niche in offense-oriented modes such as Bounty.
  • It also allows him to collect vital items such as Siege Bolts faster, to reach a certain area of the map faster, or to better counter close-ranged Brawlers as he can dash out of their range more effectively.
  • Stu’s Zero Drag Star Power makes self-passing the ball in Brawl Ball and dodging shots easier and makes Stu harder to hit while dashing around.
  • Use this to your advantage when facing close-ranged Brawlers.
  • Stu’s Super makes him an outstanding counter to close-ranged Brawlers because Stu can hit them once and dash away and out of their range, and then attack them with ease.
  • squeak brawl stars

    This recharges Stu's Super if the shot lands, which allows him to continuously poke, and once they’re low on health, you can use your Super to get close to them and burst your attacks to finish them off. He can fire a shot at an enemy, then dash backwards to avoid their counter fire.

    squeak brawl stars

    Stu can poke effectively by using his Super, his fast unload speed, and his attack’s fast Super charge rate.Thus, auto-aiming is useful to escape from enemies chasing you or to engage long-ranged Brawlers by dashing randomly and dodging their shots. When Stu’s Super is auto-aimed, he dashes in the direction that he is facing.He can also use it at the team’s spawn point of the map to help him and his allies get back into action after being defeated or as a temporary shield to block shots from enemies that can’t hit multiple targets. Stu’s Speed Zone Gadget should be kept behind obstacles so it’s protected from enemies.In addition, Stu can self-pass by kicking the ball/trophy ahead and dashing forward to retrieve it back, then continuously hitting the enemies from afar to recharge and chain Supers so he can dash towards the ball/trophy. Stu is outstanding in Brawl Ball/ Trophy Thieves/ Volley Brawl/ Basket Brawl because of his high mobility with his Super.Stu can use his Super to dodge an attack once, get another hit that recharges his Super, and use the Super again to escape unharmed. Since Stu charges his Super with only one hit despite being the slowest assassin, he can easily escape with his Super in dangerous situations, which makes him highly mobile and allows him to dodge enemy fire with ease.Stu heals for 400 health when using his Super. "Using his Nitro Boost Super restores 400 of Stu's health."

    Squeak brawl stars